Archive | March, 2019

music to my ears

18 Mar

this book is a little bit like a song you play too much on repeat – after a while you can’t listen to it at all. you should read DAISY JONES & THE SIX but not think about it too much. you shouldn’t apply any critical thinking to the plot or the characters, you should just go on this magical mystery ride back to the 70’s music scene.  although fictional, Taylor Jenkins Reid more author stuff here hints at an ode to Fleetwood Mac and keeps the suspense building (what happened!), while writing the entire book in an interview style. we are not sure until the very end if the interviews are intended for a book, a magazine article, a TV show, or even who is conducting the interviews. the band members recap their days in snippets from its early days, where the characters back stories are revealed, and then as they practice and crescendo their way to the top of the charts. the alcohol is flowing, the pills are snug deep down in their pockets… and then a final encore the fans don’t see coming.

the interview style is a bit jarring at times and you can lose track of who is talking, so in that aspect the voices of the characters can seem to drone on in the same pitch, and you may have to refer back to see who is saying what and about whom.

otherwise, for the record, this book is a hit. the writing style though not completely effective, must have been extremely difficult to maintain and still be able to tell a story, and for this, it is a captivating reading experience.

get out the old victrola and give this one a spin!
