Archive | March, 2018

a perfect novel

25 Mar

AN AMERICAN MARRIAGE by Tayari Jones is a perfect novel and  an Oprah’s Book Club selection. my previous experience with one of Oprah’s recommendations was several recommendations ago, when she chose Anita Shreve’s duplicitous story, THE PILOT’S WIFE and I  have been a Shreve fan ever since.

Jones’ story opens with the early days of courtship between Roy and Celestial and then the brief start of their marriage when Roy finds himself accused and ultimately convicted of a crime he did not commit. in the background has been Dre, Celestial’s life long friend, who grows closer to Celestial as the pages turn, and alas, a love triangle is formed.

the writing is exquisite, the characters complex. although the book explores the age old questions, what would you do for love? can love last forever? the answers may just surprise you.
